Having gotten her start in the art of rap as a teen in her hometown of Huntsville, Alabama, in 2009 Rashawn “SheFLowz” Tucker made a commitment to use her unique gift to reach youth and young adults who crave an urban music experience yet need to be exposed to the message of a relationship with God. With a powerful voice and a strong conviction, SheFlowz is set to change the face of Christian hip hop for women everywhere.

"We should find within ourselves the beauty that Christ sees, the creation Christ made, the perfection that Christ sees our potential for. No man can change God's mind, so let's not allow our minds to be so easily distracted with man's ideals. God's ideals are the only ones that count."

-RaShawn "SheFlowz" Tucker.


SheFlowz is a part of the Soul La Femme, Inc. Movement, an organization of young women who have chosen to use their creative gifts as an avenue to expose the need of the individual to pursue a healthy, active relationship with Jesus Christ. You can find out more information about Soul La Femme, Inc. at



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