Shop Life

Today has proven to be one of the craziest days I've had in the barbershop.  Check this out....first cut of the day is a gentleman who is no stranger to the shop.  Most of us have cut his hair and know what his style is.  Well! Today he is accompanied by a lady who proclaimed herself to be his "girlfriend-in-law" ie. the friend of his actual girlfriend.  She was apparently sent to "oversee" this grown man's haircut...he had to be in his 50s. She matter of factly described the cut...referencing Richard Gear....errr?, explained how the last barber jacked him up and then and proceeded to take her seat.
As she continued talking, the foolishness increased.  She asked the owner if barbering was his part time job.  He explained it was not and she says...hear me now..."oh I thought you may have had a real job like a doctor or a lawyer".  What???! Really!? Wow! We were all pretty surprised but everyone kept silent. She then proceeded to offend just about every other person within the barbershop. Including our 2 Caucasian clients. After she says all that she needs to say, she proceeds to come up to me and fool with the guys hair I was cutting. She took my comb and then proceeded to tell me that one side of his hair was too long. Mind you now, I was in the middle of this guys hair cut. I was nowhere close to done. What kind of mess is that? Folks make me smile boy I tell you. Smh what a crazy day. And it ain't over yet! Pray church !